First, your favorite posts. Google Reader tells me folks especially "liked" these ones:
- Video games and the socialist calculation debate
- Pirates and the Ownership Society: investing in pirate ventures
- Van Halen, and the brown M&M as testing venue quality
- Skepticism and research funding
- Oddities in Australian censorship
- Battling corruption through the zero-rupee note
- Are we sure the terrorists aren't just trying to make us wait longer in airports?
- My rant to ACC about having to pay a self-employment premium
- Poisonous prohibition: putting poison in the alcohol during American prohibition
Google Analytics tells me these are the most viewed, in descending order:
- Fun searches in Wolfram Alpha
- Atlas Moment? Not according to Google Search Insights
- Markets in Everything: The restaurant where you get what the last guy ordered; you order and pay for the next guy.
- Rent seeking in academia: the costs of vetting NSERC grants is excessive
- Economics of ticket scalping: Trent Reznor edition
- IQ and stock market participation: smarter folks participate more and have better-diversified portfolios.
- My rant against the anti-sweatshop movement
- The one day a week restaurant
- Explaining the masthead
- Gollum psychoanalyzed
And here are a few that I rather liked, but you didn't.
- Game theory, as practiced by the little fishies
- Evidence against the feasibility of a desirable libertarian anarchy
- The Gnomes of Canterbury: how Canterbury economics got its name.
- Against subsidizing recycling
- Print-making in Cape Dorset, courtesy of a cigarette packet
- Economic ignorance in New Zealand
- The various battles with the BERL report, and especially this one.
I'll eventually get around to putting my favourites of these up as a sidebar. It's been a fun year; thanks for reading!