Friday 14 January 2011


I'm to be part of a debate end-March over at Lincoln University as part of their lead-up to Earth Hour. Kim Hill is to moderate. Caroline Saunders, Bob Frame and Steve Wratten are to be on the enviro side; I'm to be on the other side with Ruth Richardson and someone from Chevron Oil. I'm told Ruth requested me for her side; I hope I don't disappoint.

Caroline's work on food miles, showing the concept largely to be nonsense, has been very good. But I'm sure that the organizers will find a topic such that we can disagree.

I spent Earth Hour two years ago building a new power box for our circuit board. Figured that the best time to use a bunch of power tools was when electricity demand had a downward spike. The expressive benefits of paying homage to electricity by building it a new home were purely coincidental and inframarginal. Otherwise, we tend just to ignore the enviros' special day.


  1. From the poster, isn't the topic "Is there a future without energy growth?"?

  2. That's the draft; they've not finalized things.
