Thursday 28 September 2023
We need a weighted Big Mac Index
Wednesday 27 September 2023
Damned if you do...
Imagine that investigative journalists found that car manufacturers were earning really high margins on EVs and low-emission vehicles.
The headlines write themselves. Car manufacturers gouging customers who want to help the environment. Surely the gallows would be too good for them!
Fun counterfactual.
Now imagine instead that car makers earned hardly anything on their EVs while competing for market share and instead were gouging the bad people who drive bad cars that use bad fuels.
They'd be praised for it right?
Car companies are spending almost four times more advertising large, gas-guzzling vehicles than small cars, despite publicly pledging to combat climate change.
Tim Welch, a senior lecturer in urban planning at the University of Auckland, said part of the push towards SUVs and utes was the profit margin, which was much higher when compared to a typical sedan, or an electric vehicle.
The car manufacturers are going to be damned by Radio New Zealand no matter what they do.
If they earned high margins on EVs, they'd be damned for gouging.
If they instead earned higher margins on utes, they'd be damned for advertising those models instead of praised for having far lower margins on EVs. If Welch is right about the margins anyway.
Tuesday 26 September 2023
Afternoon roundup
The tabs. There are too many.
- Dan Brunskill asks 20 economists how they'd define recession. A bunch of us pointed to how NBER does things.
- Believing that recycling does much of anything to reduce GHG emissions is wrong and gets you laughed at. Believing that reducing your consumption of things covered by the ETS will reduce GHG emissions is also wrong, but generally gets you plaudits.
- A paranoid person might start to think that government-funded media goes on crusades to name and pillory pseudonymous critics of the government who do not share their cultural views.
- The last $5b of the Covid fund was blown on a bunch of populist vote-buying exercises. Good luck getting cross-party consensus to take on just-in-case debt in the next crisis. Labour has really poisoned this well. It is very bad if you think that future governments need to be able to do this.
- Harvard should protect whistleblowers.
- Michael Gordon has a substack. And he provides a helpful reminder about SNZ's work trying to figure out why the jobseeker numbers are so out of whack when compared to the unemployment figures.
- Susan Edmunds checks on CTU Craig Renney's claims that the economy's doing great. I pointed to a couple cautions, but also one area where he might have understated things: employment rates were at or near historic highs before Covid hit.
- Oliver Lewis points to the ways that National's housing policies will likely fail. I still wish National and Labour could have maintained consensus on MDRS by setting a price target for exemptions.
- There were a lot of appropriate condemnations of poor forestry practice leading to bad outcomes during the recent floods. And a lot of that turned into the usual "it's all neoliberalism's fault" nonsense. Anyway, here's Queenstown Council doing exactly the same thing, causing similar problems.
- I still think the funniest chaos outcome for the election would be Labour winning, but only because it loses enough party votes to the Greens that it gets a substantial overhang from its electorate seats. One can engineer scenarios where National and ACT get 51% of the vote and still lose. It's not entirely plausible, but it would make for a chaotic election night. Here's Greg O'Connor stumping for the electorate vote.
- Remember how I wanted a public health agency laser-focused on contagious disease so it wouldn't just shift back to its usual BS? Pandemic's still going, and they're already back on their usual nonsense.
- Ngāi Te Rangi is importing houses from the US to build here. I still think that iwi should declare themselves to be their own consenting authorities and tell naysayers to sue them if they don't like it. If council makes it tough for iwi to build houses on their own land...
- BusinessDesk has a series on cost blowouts on infrastructure. On average infrastructure costs have been 23% over their initial budgets. The paper's really worth the sub.
The price of meth
ACT has proposed lifting the de-facto ban on the only cold medicine that seems to work - pseudoephedrine.
It's about freaking time.
National and Labour both expressed openness to the idea of rescheduling it. So that's good.
This week's column over in Newsroom ($ today, ungates tomorrow if you pull the /pro from the URL) goes through a bit of the history on this one.
It's a weird one. When Key's National-led government set the ban, they put evaluation frameworks around it. It was part of a meth action plan. They had indicators on purity, price, availability. The set of policies was meant to reduce use and availability. Use did ultimately decline, but not because of anything obvious on the supply side. The ban on cold medicine had only a minor effect on availability, price and purity - the supply indicators. And you kinda have to squint to even see those. Over the longer term, price dropped and availability increased.
And rather than ditch the restrictions, the government shifted from six-monthly progress reports on its action plan to an annual report, to no reports.
The supply side policy had failed. The ban on cold medicine worked only until suppliers figured out how to get methamphetamine into the country properly. Meth suppliers had been importing cold tablets, in bulk, before pseudoephedrine was made prescription-only. They continued to import cold tablets after the policy change. But finished methamphetamine was being imported at levels never before seen – or at least was being seized in unprecedented quantities. Rather than abandon the policy, the government abandoned the reports. The October 2015 annual report was the final report in the series.
Things didn’t improve after those reports ended. Other reports continued. By 2017/18, the national median price of methamphetamine had dropped to $500 per gram, with record low prices in Auckland, Waikato, and Wellington. Prices increased with total border closures to control Covid, but normalised soon after. One News reported in June that meth cost $400 a gram.
On average, the price of everything is 38 percent higher than it was in 2009. But the price of methamphetamine has dropped by more than 40 percent, despite none of us having reasonable access to cold medicines. If meth were in the CPI, the Reserve Bank’s job would be easier.
The official reports rather clearly establish that the ban on effective access to cold medicine had at most a small temporary effect on the supply of meth. It was obvious, rather quickly, that the ban was not helping. But the ban remained in place.
That is a terrible failure, albeit on a smallish margin. The government had set all of the evaluation frameworks needed for justifying a change in course, should one prove warranted. But it did not see fit to do so when the data came in. It stuck with the bad policy.
I like the idea of meth being in the CPI.
But I even more like the idea of regular reviews of regulation to wipe out ones that impose cost while having no discernable benefit.
Oh - FWIW - there are some conflicting sources on the price of meth in 2020. A Parliamentary snapshot had it having doubled to over $1000/gram; the regular survey had it fall. Perhaps there was a limited-time period in which price went through the roof? I covered my bases by saying prices increased with border closures and normalised soon after.
But just look at this. Despite inflation over the period, meth dropped from over $700/gram to about $400/gram.
Thursday 21 September 2023
The aristocracy of pull, so long as you're the aristocrat
I hate election campaigns.
I can never tell whether some bit of idiocy is actual proposed policy, or whether a candidate was just reaching into a bag full of words in hope of getting through the next couple minutes of an interview.
I hope it's the latter in this case. Because my gawd.
Pressed on how National would incentivise businesses to ditch fossil fuels, [National Party Climate Spokesperson Simon] Watts said: “On our watch, under a National government, there would be a pretty clear conversation between government and industry. If you’re significantly profitable, then you have a social obligation in order to do what is required in terms of helping this country achieve our emissions [goals].”
On behalf of the country, the government needed to apply “the appropriate pressure to these organisations”. Watts expected businesses putting profit margins ahead of this obligation “to change their view pretty rapidly”. He didn’t specify how he’d apply this pressure as Climate Minister.
We have an Emissions Trading Scheme. It puts a price on carbon. He's talking about the covered sector, because the conversation here is around what a National-led government would do instead of dumb GIDI corporate welfare.
Within the covered sector, the carbon price encourages companies to make decarbonisation investments that meet the bottom line, and to avoid those that are not cost-effective. That is the point of using a carbon price rather than command-and-control regulation. Businesses are better placed than governments to know which investments make most sense for them, weighing carbon cost alongside a thousand otherwise unknowable considerations.
And Simon Watts believes that it is right and proper for government to apply 'appropriate pressure' to companies, as part of "a pretty clear conversation between government and industry." If an industry is profitable, it can and should be leaned on by Government to achieve the Government's objectives.
Isn't it wonderful! Corporatism I mean. Government and Business, in partnership, of a sort. Where Government can apply pressure through numerous discretionary regulatory decisions that could hurt or bankrupt a company if the 'conversation' didn't go the way the government might have wanted.
All kinds of other desirable objectives could be part of these kinds of conversations.
Companies could be 'encouraged' to reformulate consumer goods to meet Shane Reti's views on what people should be eating and drinking.
They could be 'nudged' toward fulfilling Simon O'Connor's social views, if he were the relevant minister in an area. Or perhaps Chris Bishop's after a cabinet reshuffle. The 'conversations' would be very different! And businesses would always have to be guessing at just what an incoming Minister might consider to be the appropriate social obligation, if they dared to be profitable.
All of it will be simply wonderful for productivity. Because the predictability of the rule of law is overrated, relative to having pretty clear conversations about one's social obligations.
Wednesday 20 September 2023
Learning from others' discoveries
Others' idiocy can be a public boon, if the example serves as sufficient cautionary tale.
In a world of wishful thinking, if one country's government moves first to try the really dumb thing and reap the obvious consequences, it's harder for others to delude themselves into thinking the dumb thing will have no consequence.
Canada does the world a public service. So long as the rest of us don't ignore the lessons.
A lot of people in a lot of places convinced themselves that, somehow, platforms were stealing from newsmedia companies by linking to them. A tax on platforms to fund news sounded obviously wonderful. Who could object? Certainly not politicians who value the favour of the media companies who'd believe they'd benefit from such payments.
And then Meta stopped linking to news in Canada, to much complaint from the media companies who had previously asserted that links were theft.
And now Canada's looking at a unilateral move on a digital services tax rather than working through the OECD multilateral process. This is not a problem that is best handled unilaterally. It needs to be handled through cross-country agreement. But idiots in all kinds of places, NZ included, figure it's a wonderful idea. Sock it to those fat-cat multinationals. That'll show them. There'll be no adverse consequence, just free money and free votes for standing up to the Big Evil Companies.
Monday 18 September 2023
Afternoon roundup
The closing of a few tabs.
- Tim Harford's cautionary tale about the Sydney Opera House and how megaprojects bring heartbreak is a must-listen. One bottom line: if you're not real clear at the outset just what problem you're trying to solve, you're going to be causing problems.
- My weekend column in the Stuff papers compares the current draft Government Policy Statement on Transport to the old 1998 proposed reforms - Better Transport Better Roads. The column also echoes a lot of what turned up in my submission on the draft GPS - which I don't think is yet on our website.
- Central Banking covers The Initiative's proposals around RBNZ: split prudential regulation off into its own separate institution, focus the monetary authority on inflation-alone, and not go ahead with deposit insurance. With comments from former RBNZ Chair Arthur Grimes and Mike Reddell.
- Labour promises rebates for rooftop solar. Weird thing to promise when there's a lot of grid-scale solar going in without subsidies. The balance between grid-scale and rooftop shouldn't depend on subsidies to the latter.
- Great piece in Quilette on the 2003 BMJ controversy over passive smoking and mortality. I remember having pointed at this literature when the Helen Clark Labour Government was banning smoking in pubs; I'd figured it should be for the venue owner to decide, especially where the risks from second-hand smoke really seemed nebulous. Not a popular view it turned out. The trendy 'let's get more government grants' people had banked their wins on second-hand smoke and were trying to argue that third-hand smoke (residue on surfaces, basically) was its own new terrible thing that needed a lot of grants. Ah well.
- Kainga Ora is doing some really neat work in getting construction cost and build times down. The kind of thing that you'd normally expect the private sector to have led ages ago. But when councils allow very little building, who'd have the scale to front that fixed cost in process systems? Nobody would have invented automotive assembly lines if the global market for cars was a thousand a year...
Thursday 14 September 2023
Foreign buyer taxes
“Taxing foreign buyers is better than banning them from purchasing houses. New Zealand has an ‘it’s too hard to build’ problem, not a foreign-buyer problem.I’d be nervous about making a hard call on National’s revenue numbers on the foreign buyer tax without having access to the underlying workings. If there are a lot of properties that transact in the $10m+ range, it wouldn’t take many such sales to hit the annual revenue figures National has suggested. 500 $10m properties would do it, or 250 $10m properties and 500 $5m properties per year. A single $30m house would bring in as much tax as fifteen $2m houses. But I haven’t the background figures that would tell me whether those are huge numbers, or small numbers, relative to the number of houses in those price ranges – or relative to the number of wealthy people who’d never become NZ tax resident who might be keen to purchase a second expensive home in NZ. Perhaps the current very low dollar would help. $10m NZD is only $5.9m USD!I’m less concerned about National’s foreign buyer tax revenue figures than I am about the revenues from the proposed tax on overseas betting agencies. It seems optimistic to assume that a lot of them would choose to comply with NZ registration requirements rather than remind NZ-based customers about how to use a VPN to get around proposed web filters. And I’d far prefer that National fund inflation-adjustments to the income tax thresholds by getting government expenditures even down to the levels that Ardern had promised, pre-Covid, than with taxes that make little sense even if the numbers on them happened to work out.”
"In the 2019 Budget, Labour projected that 2023 Core Crown spending would be 28.8% of GDP. Instead, it is now 32.5%, and expected to drop to 31.4% of GDP by the end of the forecast window – if Labour sticks to its promised fiscal envelope.Paring government spending back to what Labour had promised, pre-Covid, would have given National plenty of room for inflation-adjusting the income tax thresholds. Getting long-term Core Crown expenditure, as a fraction of GDP, back down to what Labour had promised in 2019 would free up over twelve billion dollars, or about seven thousand dollars per household.Instead, they're embroiled in disputes about the amount of money that would be raised by a tax that never made much sense in the first place. Foreign buyers were never the problem. Regulatory barriers to building were and still are the problem. There was no good case for either banning, or taxing, foreign buyers. A tax is less restrictive than a ban, but hardly makes us seem friendly to foreign investors. And it seems inconsistent with the spirit of our international tax agreements.Without having the Castalia workings to see where the difference in figures comes from, it is hard to adjudicate between the two. There seems to be a case worth answering.But between this problem, the implausibility of raising much revenue from foreign gambling sites, and the undesirability of plugging revenue holes with adjustments to depreciation, National should have been looking harder at the spending side."
Tuesday 12 September 2023
Morning roundup
Have to get the browser tabs closed before heading over to PREFU. Will Treasury have come up with an estimate on the tobacco burn in the accounts they'd missed at BEFU? Or will a billion dollars or so just not matter much given the scale of the mess they'll be reporting? We'll find out!
In any case, the closing of the tabs:
- Works in Progress really becoming a must-read. Dattani et al on why we didn't get a malaria vaccine sooner. Incredible history here. Advance market commitments for vaccines treating diseases experienced in poorer countries would be a great part of foreign aid.
- Max Rashbrooke's take from our debate last week. I agree with him on getting more frontline input into fixing public sector messes.
- Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's take on the first Emissions Reduction Plan. To me it's an argument for abolishing all of these things in the covered sector and just legislating the quantum of unbacked NZU that can be issued between now and 2050 - though PCE wouldn't see it that way.
- The Economist on Law & Economics. The revolution has yet to come to NZ alas.
- So over 40% of Wellington's drinking water is lost due to leaks, and we're looking at heavy water restrictions come summer as consequence. This is what happens when people keep voting for councilors who take money that should be going into maintenance, and flipping it into flashy convention centres, library rebuilds that cost a hundred million dollars more than they should, do-ups of every minor 'heritage' public building. People of Wellington, the enemy is us. Stop voting for councilors and mayors who promise anything other than fixing the pipes.
- Abandoning consensus on MDRS is the stupidest bit of National's platform. But their promise of a web filter to keep Kiwis from accessing foreign gambling sites is pretty dumb. Not nearly as consequential as housing, but still. More on the filter proposal at BusinessDesk.
- The demesne of the Baron of Miramar. Dileepa Fonseka has more on the Shelly Bay tragedy.
- My column in Newsroom ($) on RBNZ blackballing experts from the monetary policy committee. Meanwhile, a former RBNZ board member doesn't believe the current line on it.
- Len Cook on no surprises and briefings for incoming ministers. And the fourth piece in the BusinessDesk series on the state of the public sector.
- BusinessDesk deep dive into what a 100% NZ gin would have to look like. Really neat detail here.
- This is not a serious way of deciding on expensive infrastructure.
Friday 8 September 2023
Afternoon roundup
The closing of the tabs...
- When I tweet my columns, probably best to thread them with the link to the column coming late in the thread, and maybe a screenshot of part of the column in the lead tweet. Twitter's downweighting tweets with links.
- Meta pulls back from news in Europe. There was so much wishful thinking among the bien pensant about the ability to extort platforms to pay for news. I think NZ media still believe it. It won't end well.
- Is there a betting market on the John Bates Clark? I'd be putting some money on Seamus's former student David Baqaee.
- Immigrant entrepreneurship in Canada and location choice. Canada's just so well-placed to take advantage of American xenophobia.
- New York bans AirBnB. NZ's hoteliers would very much like to pull this kind of trick too.
- Man but Works in Progress are putting out great stuff. Judge Glock (that's just his name, he's not a judge) on local government anti-growth incentives in the US. And Sarygulov & Arslanagic-Wakefield on understanding the Baby Boom (hint: housing costs matter).
- Great long essays from Scott Wilson on NZ Land Transport Policy. Part 1 on the history. Part 2 on what's wrong with the current system. Part 3 on fixing the mess. I had a podcast chat about some of this with Scott, in context of the Government Policy Statement, late last week.
Around the traps
A few recent bits.
US News on NZ's rise in a ranking of 'best countries'
Still, global and domestic sentiment can differ. Eric Crampton, chief economist at The New Zealand Initiative, a nonpartisan public policy think tank, says it’s “easy to see” why perceptions of New Zealand appear to have improved, particularly when the pandemic response comes to mind. But, for example, New Zealand faced a slow vaccine rollout that Crampton argues contrasted with what he describes as Ardern’s skillfully projected image.
“Eventually the disconnect here between the visionary statements she’d provide, and actual reality in delivery on those promises, became substantial,” he says, noting Ardern’s flagging support ahead of her eventual resignation. The former prime minister also faced challenges including gang violence, child poverty and rising home prices.
New Zealand does have other things going for it that mirror Australia in some ways. Murray, of Karamea, says the country – considered the most scenic among respondents to the Best Countries survey, with Australia at No. 7 – has seen a tourism boom over the past couple of decades. Data points to that sector rebounding in the pandemic’s wake, and Murray adds that because of its geographic location, New Zealand is an attractive option for people looking to get away from parts of the world prone to more conflict.
Crampton, originally from Canada, has been in New Zealand for around 20 years. He is quick to list the challenges the country is facing, ranging from immigration to the cost of living, though he also notes the relative sanity of life there.
“I think, at best, we are going mad more slowly than the rest of the world,” Crampton says. “So we're still, relatively speaking, the outside of the asylum, but that doesn't mean that there aren't crazy things here, too.”
The Guardian on NZ's housing issues:
The planning rule change that enabled places like Ralston’s family compound was a historic policy agreement in 2021 between New Zealand’s two main parties, Labour and National. Part of that policy supercharged the construction of medium-density housing —such as rows of three-story townhouses— in cities and regional centres.
However, the conservative National party, which is leading in the polls, will renege on the part of the agreement that favours concentrated urban housing. Instead, National promised to immediately unlock enough land on suburban outskirts to satisfy the next 30 years of housing demand.
“The consensus that we had was cities need to be allowed to grow up and out if you want housing to remain affordable,” said Eric Crampton, chief economist at the New Zealand Initiative, a public policy thinktank. Now, the two major parties are tilting further apart in their housing strategies, he said, with National promising to repeal other key Labour policies.
The Times (not Waikato), also on NZ housing
Moreover, Eric Crampton, chief economist at the New Zealand Initiative, the think tank, told me that Labour’s own failures had shaped this densification push. Many on the left were convinced that housing affordability woes partially reflected the market’s unwillingness to build and that government building therefore was required to overcome land-banking. Sound familiar? Labour’s Kiwibuild promised 100,000 new state-built homes within ten years; fewer than 2,000 have been completed.This woeful performance confirmed what experts already knew: the real supply problem was because of rules and bad incentives, not developers’ unwillingness to build. Councils did not want to give the green light even to central government homes, as local authorities shouldered the burdens of new development without being able to fund the necessary infrastructure or to reap tax revenue. Densification thus became the default priority, creating tensions with cities.“Locking in the positive reform we’ve seen is important,” Crampton says, “but the underlying incentives for councils to expand their housing supplies haven’t changed much. When the central government beats councils over the head to densify, councils are still incentivised to look for other ways to thwart growth.” That includes exploiting exemptions to the laws or using new powers to block homes over carbon emissions.
Thursday 7 September 2023
Blackballing academics for the Monetary Policy Committee?
A few months ago, RBNZ and Treasury made some pretty extraordinary claims about the appointment process for external members of the Monetary Policy Committee.
Treasury had, in notes released under OIA, said that academic economists with an ongoing research interest in the area were considered conflicted for the MPC.
Michael Reddell's written a lot more on it than I have, but it's something that worried us too. I had a column in the Herald on the problem, which included a survey that me and Dennis Wesselbaum ran of the country's macroeconomists on the next round of MPC appointments / reappointments.
And it came up when I had a podcast with John Cochrane.
More recently, RBNZ told Treasury that it had all been a big misunderstanding on Treasury's part and that there had never been such a blackballing. And Treasury officials seemed to just take it at face value rather than contest it and pick a fight with the Minister of Finance and RBNZ about it.
Michael and I both separately sent through some OIAs trying to figure out just what the hell had happened. RBNZ repeatedly had made statements defending the blackballing, or consistent with there being a blackballing. It's great that there isn't a blackballing now, but memory-holing a prior one wouldn't be great.
I received a reply from RBNZ earlier this week and passed it on to Michael because he's been watching the file more closely. Michael has the replies I received, along with his own, up at Croaking Cassandra now.
I keep trying to come up with a fog-of-war version that has nobody involved just outright lying.
From the OIAs, it seems clear that Orr believed there had been a ban and was trying to figure out why there was one, since there didn’t seem to need to be one.
In February, in response to queries from Jenée Tibshraeny, officials punted on it by saying "criteria unchanged" - so they didn't have to commit to what the underlying criteria were. So senior levels in the Bank didn't seem to know what had happened during the 2018 appointment round but everyone there seems to have believed that there had been a ban.And nobody involved there dropped a note to RBNZ Chair Neil Quigley asking about it, where he seems to have headed up the appointment process.
Prof Quigley says there was no blackballing in 2018, despite the Governor having thought that there had been.
And then this account of what might have happened.
- Only appointment committee knew what happened; Governor's team were not in the loop.
- One candidate was blackballed as conflicted, and Treasury interpreted that as being a broader thing.
- All of RBNZ who weren't in on that appointment process take their lead from the early OIAed excerpt from Treasury's notes, which said academics with a research interest were conflicted.
- Quigley figures that the noise from the usual malcontents (me, Reddell, Wesselbaum, others) is just noise from the usual malcontents and pays it no mind.
- Orr doesn't bother asking his Chair about the prior appointment process when he has his team checking whether there's any reason they'd have to be blackballing appointees. This may be the least plausible link in the chain here?
- Where RBNZ has been pretty quick to put critics straight in other cases, they didn't here because they thought, mistakenly, that there had been a general blackballing - and all of it was below Quigley's threshold of attention.
- Robertson's 2019 comments were specific to an academic who did not want to forego free public commentary on monetary policy, rather than academics with a research interest more generally.
- Quigley finally notices and says there hadn't been a blackballing.
There was never a general blackballing, just a ruling out of one particular academic and a general expectation that academic researchers active in the Bank's areas would likely be conflicted. Which led to Treasury mistakenly viewing it as ruling out perhaps rare cases that might not be considered conflicted, and all senior tiers at RBNZ relying on Treasury's notes and believing for years that there was, in fact, a general blackballing when there wasn't and never had been.
Wednesday 6 September 2023
Debating tax
I was a last-minute stand-in for Ruth Richardson at Monday evening's debate at Vic Uni, hosted by the Free Speech Union.
The moot: "The tax system is unfair and the wealthy must pay more."
Moots are fun. You don't have to argue what you believe, but it's easier and more convincing if you find angles sufficiently adjacent to true-beliefs.
Had I been assigned the affirmative, I'd have focused on the regressive effects of fiscal drag, which have put a proportionately higher tax burden on those on lower real income. It's unfair, and rebalancing it would mean a greater proportion of the overall tax burden would fall on those on higher incomes. I'd have worked to frame the moot as being about relative shares.
I also would have followed the line taken by Danyl McLauchlan on the affirmative that wealth accrued through rent-seeking is illegitimate, that zoning restrictions have created a rich landed gentry, and that those rich pricks work like hell to maintain the restrictions forever. If that's their game, tax every dime of it until they don't want to play anymore.
But I led for the negative, with Jordan Williams for the Taxpayers Union as second. Max Rashbrooke led for the affirmative. So we were basically typecast. That's fun too.
I expected Rashbrooke to focus on the good things done by the state, so I had that in mind. And that I have no clue about the actual rules of formal debate - but that Sean Plunkett, as moderator, wouldn't be hewing to such rules anyway.
My opener:
There’s a lot packed into today’s moot. But it’s important to stay on point.
A tax system is fair to the extent that it treats individuals in equivalent circumstances equally.
That it is predictable rather than arbitrary in application.
That one’s proportionate share of the burden of providing public goods reflects one’s proportionate share of the benefits enjoyed thereof.
And for government spending that is not on public goods, that the beneficiaries of spending are, wherever possible, called on to fund that expenditure.
Those principles are reasonably agreed. They apply equally well for drawing the revenue necessary to fund a minimalist government, or an expansive one. You can find the roots of them going back at least to Adam Smith, and now in modern public finance textbooks.
Today’s moot doesn’t ask us to judge how large the state should be.
It does not ask us to judge which parts of life’s unfairness, and there are many, should draw government programmes or income support.
Unfortunately, neither does it ask us about the unfairness created by the state when government makes it impossible to build more homes, to enter markets that are protected for the benefit of incumbents, or when Ministers’ families seem surprisingly adept at drawing lucrative government contracts at our expense.
If the moot asks whether there is any unfairness in the tax system, no tax system could pass that test.
Smokers and moderate drinkers pay far more in taxes than they ever cost the health system. Everyone else pays slightly less in tax because of it.
Failure to inflation-index income tax thresholds means that increasing numbers of lower income earners pay higher rates of tax. That is unfair.
Nevertheless, work presented by Treasury in February showed that, as of 2019, the net fiscal impact of the tax and transfer system was no worse for the bottom two deciles than it was in 2010, when the tax thresholds were last set.
On that analysis, only the top three income deciles pay net tax. 70% of households receive more in transfers and services than they pay in tax. The 39% rate imposed since then will mean even more of the burden falls on those on higher earnings.
And tax issues facing migrants arriving in NZ with an overseas pension are byzantine at best.
But the moot cannot have asked only whether the tax system is unfair to any trivial degree as that would make for uninteresting debate. We could all agree and go home.
The moot would have to propose more than some de minimus unfairness, and that that unfairness could usefully be rectified by calling on the wealthy to pay more. Effectively, Revenue Minister David Parker’s tax proposition.
This side is happy to stand in the negative against that moot.
My partner, Jordan, will argue that Minister Parker’s proposition – the real underlying moot – violates norms of fairness. That the Prime Minister was correct to pull the plug, last-minute, on comprehensive plans that had been developed to impose a wealth tax. And that had that plug not been pulled, another plug would have been pulled instead – with the economy flowing down the drain as capital fled.
I will stand against it by arguing a better moot: the tax system is unfair and everyone should pay less.
I do this by advancing one further proposition. If the government cannot demonstrate real value from the taxes it collects from us, it cannot justify even current levels of taxation let alone propose higher taxes on anyone.
Our moot is not about the size of government. If taxes were raised fairly and government delivered value for that money, and could demonstrate that it could deliver even more value if it had even more money, that would be one thing. It would have to further demonstrate that putting a greater proportion of that burden on the wealthier would be most effective to that end, and perhaps it could if it focused on a land value tax. In that case, maybe today’s moot could be defended.
But that is not the state we are in.
Core Crown expenditures, for 2023, were estimated at 32.5% of GDP. In 2019, Treasury forecast that the government’s programme would yield Core Crown expenditure of only 28.8% of GDP. The difference of almost 4 percentage points of GDP amounts to $14.5 billion dollars this year – a substantial increase in the long term tax burden. Almost $7,800 more spending per household.
And what do we have for it?
A Jobs for Nature programme designed as a make-work scheme when economic calamity was predicted but that government stuck with – at cost of over a billion dollars.
Administrative restructuring of the health system and the Polytechs that cost billions of dollars and have worsened outcomes – and may yet sink the Polytechs.
Hundreds of millions on industrial subsidies to companies for investments that they can perfectly well make on their own.
Oh – and a new subsidy for companies that make videogames. And how much have we spent on studying a misguided Lake Onslow scheme and various implausible new Auckland harbour crossings?
And while it’s utterly small potatoes as compared to the overall budget, the complete contempt that Wellington officials have for taxpayers, demonstrated in lavish welcoming ceremonies for incoming CEs and second-tier officials, including flying in the appointee’s family or live-streaming the event, does not bode well for any increase in government revenue.
If we adhered to the benefit principle of taxation, we wouldn’t be looking at surtaxes on the wealthiest. We’d be looking at surtaxes on the consultants that produce feasibility studies on projects that will never eventuate and reports on restructurings.
PJ O’Rourke used to say that giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. Supporters of this debate’s moot might figure it’s fair to tax the wealthy to fund more of that kind of drunken spree. I think it’s reckless.
Until the driver’s sobered up, we ought instead to be talking about taking away the keys. The tax system is unfair. Everyone, wealthy or not, should be paying less.