Tuesday 2 April 2013

Honi soit qui mal y pense

This article in stuff reminds me of the story of the woman who called the police to complain that her neighbour was whistling dirty songs.

The Kapiti Coast district council has adopted a new logo intended to evoke the image of Kapiti island viewed from the Kapiti Coast. Now I normally regard logos with the same disdain I give to Business School mission statements, and primary-school mottoes, but I have to say this one is quite striking. Apparently, however, "some members of the public" (should that really be a plural?) have provided feedback that the image is “more than mildly pornographic”. Hmmm.  Somehow I can’t see Kapiti’s new logo ever making this list. (The last link is NSFW if you have colleagues who would find the Kapiti logo pornographic; otherwise it should be fine.) 


  1. I've looked at the logo and read the article and the comments and I still don't get it. Based on the council member's comment about the bent knee, perhaps she is thinking of a male lying down on the lower half of the letter K, having an errection? That's the best I can think of. Can you help?

  2. I can't help. I don't get it either.

  3. Reminds me of the old joke of the psychiatrist with the Rorschach test and the patient who said, 'Whaddaya mean, doc? You're the one with the dirty pictures.'

  4. I don't usually lack for creativity in such matters, but I'm also completely puzzled. The text suggests someone thinks the bottom part of the K is a bended knee, making the wavy horizontal part top of the K a tumescent member. The correspondent making such suggestion probably ought to see a doctor; I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to be wavy like that.

  5. That list misses perhaps the two most widely known -- Amazon, and the 2012 Olympics, both of which are more obvious than the Kapiti one.

  6. ha they are sorry you not get the joke about Kapiti
    no need for local Councils
    Roads North and thank God
