Good news! Auckland Council is sponsoring a scholarship in urban economics. It's open to postgraduate students in urban economics or related fields.
Kiwis finishing up their undergraduate Economics degrees and interested in doing a Masters in Economics at Canterbury should get in touch with me: I'd be interested in supervising a thesis looking at local urban planning issues around Auckland. Blog readers know the kinds of urban topics I like; if you want me as supervisor, drop me a note, but read the caveat below.
The closing deadline for scholarship applications is 30 May.
The Economics Department here at Canterbury is currently undergoing a redundancy process; I should know whether or not I will continue to be here prior to the closing date for applications. Updates will be provided when uncertainty is resolved: I am definitely not going to take on any new graduate supervision unless uncertainty is resolved favourably. But we expect resolution on or about 20 May.
Pre-quake, we were a Department of 19.6 full-time equivalent academic staff, including 2 Teaching Fellows. Subsequent to post-quake departures and encouraged early retirements, we are a Department of 12.6 full-time equivalent academic staff, including 2 Teaching Fellows. Subsequent to the forthcoming change proposal, should all go as currently proposed, we will be a Department of 9.6 full-time equivalent academic staff, including 2 Teaching Fellows.
Interesting times. Navigating these waters has taken much of my time lately; apologies for the light blogging.