Tuesday 21 April 2015

A new eating disorder

Paul Henry's show this morning highlighted Orthorexia Nervosa: an eating disorder characterised by an obsession with healthy eating.

I'd not heard of it before.

I'm far more familiar with its hitherto unnamed, and more serious, cousin. I'll call it XenoOrthrexia Nervosa: an obsession with other people's healthy eating.

It seems endemic in the Anglosphere countries. Can't we get these poor souls the help they need to relax about other peoples' diets? In its extreme form, it's even been associated (in film) with starting nuclear wars.


  1. You mentioned a couple of potential reasons for 'frictional' emptiness (between sales, between tenancies). There's another: infill redevelopment. Here on the North Shore older one-family homes are being bowled for more intensive uses. The old house can stand empty for some time till the project gets underway

  2. "I'd not heard of it before." The world is full of surprises - I had not heard of anyone who would admit to watching Paul Henry before!

  3. Or is that Orthorexia Nervosa by proxy (a la Muchausen by proxy)?

  4. Just spent 8 days in California and took the opportunity to eat most of my meals at Del Taco and Taco Bell. Marvellous!! Making it better still was that, even from 11000km, I could hear the tut-tutting of our local nutrition nazis.

  5. That's good too, but you should also have gotten some hotdogs. Impossible to get a real hotdog here.

  6. Not sure what electorate you ended up in, but we used to live in Peter Dunne's. In those days he used to win his seat by very big margins, but I could never find anyone who would admit to voting for him.

  7. Interestingly enough, the wife and daughter reported surprisingly good (albeit expensive) vego hotdogs at Disneyland.

  8. The important part in American hotdogs isn't the meat, it's the nitrates and additives. "Weiner Flavorem" I believe is the chemical term.


  9. I would also be curious what the existing diversity of the institution was. I'm not sure if I agree with it, but a possible mitigating factor would be an urge to equalize head counts, and if there are fewer existing females in the organization (which seems to be the general case), hiring more females when all else is equal could be (potentially) justified.

  10. Hi Eric, nice to meet you last week. I wish I'd seen your post above earlier, could have saved myself a bit of writing on this one: http://transportblog.co.nz/2015/05/28/are-vacant-homes-adding-to-aucklands-housing-shortage/ but long story short, Auckland has a similar proportion of vacant homes to NZ's other cities.
