INTERIOR:For context, see DimPost, Graeme Edgeler, NoRightTurn, Andrew Geddis, Kiwipolitico, NotPC, and Attack of the Clones.CORUSCANT, MAIN SENATE CHAMBER - EVENINGWELLINGTON, THE BEEHIVE - AFTERNOON
JAR JARGERRY BROWNLEE standsin his podbefore the chamber,as it floats in the middle of thetaking up a vast space.
JAR JAR: BROWNLEE: In response to the direct threat tothe RepublicChristchurch mesa propose that theSenateParliament give immediately emergency powers to theSupreme ChancellorGovernor in Council.
Uproar.JAR JARBROWNLEE looks a little sheepish.
Brief silence, then a rolling wave of APPLAUSE.JAR JARBROWNLEE beams and bows.
PALPATINEKEY: It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to thiscallinglegislation. I love democracy... I love theRepublicConstitutional Monarchy. But I am mild by nature, and I do not desire to see the destruction of democracy. The power you give me I will lay down when thiscrisis has abatedlegislation expires, I promise you. And as my first act with this new authority, I will create a grandarmy of the RepublicEarthquake Recovery Commission to counter the increasing threats of the separatistsof spending an extra day drafting legislation that takes due account of our constitutional freedoms rather than commencing reconstruction immediately under emergency powers allowing me to strike down any legislation that stands in my way.
1% chance or less that this leads to the abandoning of the Republic and the formation of the First Southern Oceanic Empire. But would the extra day's delay to craft sound legislation actually have been all that bad? My best guess is that the government actually really doesn't know what bits of legislation would get in the way of rebuilding so it's given itself the power to void all of it. Which kinda points out that it might just have been a bit too complicated for us regular folks to get building consents prior to the Quake.