It was, by reports, awesome. Nothing from St. Anger, minimal from Black album, lots of classics, lots of Death Magnetic. I saw them in '91 in Winnipeg (too much Black album); this sounds like it was a better show.
And now I regret not having gone to find a scalper.
Ticket scalping's been a bit of a puzzle to economists for a while - why don't the artists charge market clearing (gouging) prices and cut out the scalper entirely? I've posted a bit on this here, as well as here here and here.
In other gouging news, the comments thread over on my piece in The Press has been, in short, hilarious. My favourites:
lisa #7 04:51 pm Sep 17 2010I love that I am personally responsible for everyone hating economists. It may be true in our faculty meetings though.
this article is why everyone hates economists
Kiwi Anarchist #8 09:37 pm Sep 17 2010Bloody peasant!
What happened to The Left in this country? It's time to get off your backsides and start organizing and fighting for yourselves and your hard-won rights before people like Eric Crampton have them taken from you!