Tuesday 28 July 2009

Nothing new under the sun

I thought I'd discovered a new word to describe an ongoing problem in the Crampton household. Turns out, someone else was there three years before me. It's still a good word though. Narcokleptic. Pertains especially to theft of blankets, leaving a cold Eric.

The word deserves wider usage. Enjoy!


  1. Don't see a problem. If Sue is warm where is the issue?!! :-)

  2. I am unapologetic about my blanket thieving.

  3. Sue, you have no reason to be apologetic. Eric should harden up and stop complaining and stop using big words just to sound educated!!!

  4. "Narcokleptic" would be an appropriate term for most students methinks - if being drunk to near unconsciousness is comparable to sleeping.

  5. @Paul: narcokleptic is a perfectly cromulent word.

    @Sue: I know...

    @Matt: Wouldn't they need to be stealing at the same time though?

  6. @Crampton: when its not Shakespeare, its the Simpsons.
