Tuesday 19 November 2013

The Two Robs

A couple weeks ago, Matt Nippert and I had a bit of fun imagining a Rob Ford sitcom that could follow after the current Toronto Mayoralty reaches its inevitable end.

Here was our pitch. The episodes Matt suggested have his handle.

Since then, we've heard that there's to be a Rob Ford TV show and Matt's suggested Season 2, Episode 1 has come close to reality:
dear Mayor Rob Ford,
the only truth or correct reporting in today's 
repulsive story regarding
my alleged comments about you,
is the accurate spelling of your great city.
your personal life is and never would be,
any of my business.
I'm sorry for any grief this may have caused.
if I can be of any assistance 
in any capacity in this 
media cesspool,
please accept the noble offer of my steady
hand and compassionate heart.
charlie sheen.
Kiwis need to adjust their expectations of Canadians. I'm not 'somewhat rude for a Canadian'; I'm 'remarkably polite and well-adjusted, given his heritage.' Please revise accordingly.

More seriously, here's Andrew Coyne, who rightly assesses that it's time for Ford to go. While there are certain advantages to having all the other mayors scared that your mayor might beat them up, Toronto's well past the Laffer-max on that kind of metric.

Update: Rob Ford's TV show was cancelled after one episode. This was my initial prediction for my proposed Rob Ford TV show. But, it does leave him free for The Two Robs. The same news story informs me that Kory Teneyke is now VP of Sun News. I remember when he headed up the Reform Party's youth wing, when the central party moved to have a bit more central control over its campus affiliates. Memories....

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