Saturday 9 April 2011

An unpleasant calculus

If we do not put a brick over our toilet seat and keep the lid closed, we face unknown but small probability p that sewerage works will cause a horrendous poo explosion in our bathroom. Denote the cost of same as C.

If we do put a brick over our toilet seat and keep the lid closed, we face unknown but much higher probability r that the delays caused by said brick will result in a toilet training failure involving the three year old. Denote the cost of same as M.

p < r
C >>> M
pC < = > rM ???

Insurance may somewhat attenuate cleanup costs C. But we are with AMI.

Thus far, we have no brick on our toilet. I hope we don't need a bailout.

1 comment:

  1. Marketing, dear fellow, marketing.

    Place the brick inside a cuddly tool - I suggest one of comically grim appearance.

    Explain to the three year old that it's the guardian against the poo monster and that he can go anytime he wants and that he just has to take the guardian off when he wants to go and put it back on when he doesn't.

    The cuddly tool also acts as padding for the brick which makes it safer.
